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Imigração de Negócios

Mercan group

Criados para incentivar investimentos comerciais em um país, os programas de imigração de negócios são programas exclusivos que permitem que indivíduos de alto patrimônio líquido obtenham residência permanente e, eventualmente, cidadania no país de sua escolha.

Existem também programas de imigração para investidores disponíveis para aqueles que desejam imigrar para a Europa. Um dos programas mais populares é o programa do Golden Visa de Portugal. Comparado aos programas de investimento mencionados nos dois países acima, este programa possui requisitos mais flexíveis, não exigindo experiência em gestão, patrimônio líquido mínimo ou comprovação da origem dos fundos.

Os programas de imigração de negócios do Canadá são destinados àqueles que possuem experiência significativa em gestão e podem contribuir para o crescimento econômico do país. O governo federal administra seu próprio programa de investidores que permite que investidores canadenses se estabeleçam em qualquer província, exceto Quebec. No entanto, cada província, incluindo Quebec, também possui seu próprio programa de investidores. Geralmente, qualquer um dos programas de investidores no Canadá exigiria um investimento significativo que seria eventualmente retornado, um patrimônio líquido mínimo, bem como experiência na gestão de um negócio.

Nossos Programas de Imigração de Negócios
Mercan Group Business Immigration Program

 Portugal Golden Visa program has more lenient requirements, not necessitating any management experience, minimum net worth, or proof of the source of funds.

For those who want to create or acquire a business, there are the Canada entrepreneur programs that have similar requirements to the investor programs and are also available through the federal government or specific provinces. For those with a more specific profession and can create jobs for themselves or those looking for self employment in Canada, they may be eligible for the Canada self-employed program which does not require any initial investment.

Nós temos as respostas

Yes, in the event the application is refused, the investment will be returned to you immediately.

Generally, programs allow the spouse and dependent children to be included in the application.

For the Portugal Golden Visa program, anyone 18 years of age and over may apply. There is no requirement for management experience, education, or net worth. There are also no restrictions on your nationality. Canada business immigration programs, on the other hand, are stricter and require certain management experience and net worth as well as proof that all assets have been obtained legally.

All employers must submit a Prevailing Wage Determination which ensures that they are paying at least the minimum wage set in their state. Salaries vary depending on the job and the area.

For most Canada entrepreneur and self-employed programs, yes, because they usually require living in the province and running a business. While for the Portugal Golden Visa program, the investor becomes a co-owner of the property. So the investor does not need to actively manage the project.

For programs that do not involve establishing a business, return of funds varies per program. Canada business immigration programs like the federal investor program and Quebec investor program require the investment to be maintained for 5 years. For the Portugal Golden Visa Program, funds are returned after permanent residency is attained, or if the investor wishes, after citizenship is attained. The investor may also choose to keep the investment and continue earning the annual rental income on the project. 

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